Atta Christopher Takyi and Afia Takyi
Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of Techiman, Ghana and Field Director for Mount Abarim in Ghana

2020 Annual Report

Greetings from Ghana West Africa! We praise the Lord for another year of ministry. The Lord has been good and merciful toward our family and church, giving us strength and many blessings as we serve Him.
We thank God for the privilege of serving in Calvary Baptist Church of Techiman – Ghana. By His grace, we started the year well and souls were getting saved and baptized and joining the church. Then, due to COVID – 19, all open gatherings and churches were closed on March 16 and schools were closed in June 2020. We started to meet in groups of 100 people at a time with social distancing. The Lord blessed us, and we had a graduation of 7 students at Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary and also 142 students at Hope High School.

Please the Lord, two of the young men who grew up in the Bethesda Children’s Home, Evans and Prince, were married. The Lord blessed us with a few other weddings.
At the end of 2020 we had a wonderful youth meeting with all our churches near Techiman and had games, Bible quizzes, preaching through Zoom with Pastor Stephen Volante. Six precious youth prayed to receive the Lord as Savior.
In 2020, the Lord also provided to us to continue our Building and now we are praying for the good Lord to provide to us for us to be able to roof it and we will start to use it for service this year.

I want to use this opportunity to thank you all for your prayers and financial support for us to be able to minister here in Ghana. God