Bethesda Children’s Homes
Ministry to Children in Tlapa, Mexico
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The Bethesda Children’s Homes stand as a beacon of light in a land that is dark with crime, witchcraft, and idolatry. The homes are a place where indigenous Mexican children can receive food, clothing, shelter, education, medical attention, love, and best of all – the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Averaging more than 100 young people for over 50 years, the Bethesda homes are responsible for a generation of new Christians, Christian workers and ministers. We are seeing lives and homes transformed by the grace of God. It is our desire to continue to rescue the lost and hungry, to feed their bodies and their souls, and to develop young men and women of God who will go out from here and help us win their villages, their nation and this world for Christ.
Thank you for your prayers,
Dr. Mike Patterson – President-General Director


Tlapa de Comonfort, often referred to as simply Tlapa, is located in the Mexican state of Guerrero in a high valley at altitude 3600 feet. It is surrounded by towering mountains of the Sierra Madres. It’s population of 57,346 often doubles for weekends since it is the market center for villages from three Indian tribes. Mixteco, Tlapaneco and Nahuatl villagers bring their crops, their wares, and their animals to sell or barter for their own needs. The word Tlapa is derived from Nahuatl, “tlappan”, meaning “the place of washing”. (It’s on the river.)
Dr. Ralph G. McCoy had a vision for reaching not only Tlapa but this entire Indigenous region with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bethesda Homes have proved to be vital in this quest.
The Lord often reveals His plans in difficult times. We have found a small farm with complete canal irrigation built by Mexico’s Chipingo Agricultural University. All four acres are already in production and it has mature orchards with mango, coconut, avocado, orange, grapefruit, banana and maracaibo trees. It is far beyond our fondest dreams. It is located on a clear fork of the river that never runs dry.
On it we will raise fruits, vegetables and produce for the homes. It will have a small chicken farm for eggs. A university graduate from the homes will lead the project and train young men who will work the farm while learning cutting edge agricultural processes.

Produce will be used by the homes; any surplus will be given to help national pastors or traded for other needed products. It will be a training center helping the entire mountain region adapted to the rigors of mountain farming. Nothing will be sold. We will not be in competition with local farmers.
We are trusting God for this provision of $75,000 by April when they harvest the final crops that are growing now. Additional funding over the $75,000 will be applied toward several projects and construction needs. God is moving. As of February 8, the amount of $31,447 has already been received. A dear friend has built our buildings in Tlapa without charge for engineering, architecture and oversite. We pay only for discounted materials and actual labor. A director’s cottage, storage building, palapa, and greenhouse are included in the master plan. He builds for us at $20 per sq. foot or less. These will be built as the Lord supplies after the land purchase.
We will need God’s help, and yours. The irrigation systems and dikes make the property incredibly valuable. Mexico’s depressed economy and devalued currency make this an amazing opportunity. Will you consider partnering with us through a one time gift for this need? Any gift of any size will be deeply appreciated and used for purchase of the farm and improvements. To give online, click here
The Bethesda Children’s Homes exist to win children and their families for Christ and to see local churches started as a result. Though we are dedicated to feeding, clothing and providing shelter for the poor and homeless, our mission is more than humanitarian help or providing short-term solutions to social problems. We provide and eternal solution for The problem of man. We thank you for your support and prayers for this amazing work of God