Bethesda Children’s Homes: February 2013 Prayer Letter

Dear Ones:


They call today the day “Love and Friendship” in Mexico among Christians.  They consider the idea of Saint Valentine a bit carnal.  On behalf of all the children, we thank God for your ve and friendship.  Your sacrifices make the ministry in Tlapa possible.  We are so grateful to you for your prayers.  We pray for you too.

The training center in Tlapa is now complete.  My little office is finished and since my office work follows me it will be a blessing.  We lack only air-conditioning as God supplies and furnishings. (About $8,000 for the two)  It is our plan to be back in Mexico and dedicate the buildings in March.  Becky has a couple of surgeries and when travel allows, we will go.

Director, Marco (giving a testimony in the top photo) and Yoli drove up after the January conference and were successful in importing about 400 sets of sheets, towels, and blankets for the homes.  They were donated by the Immanuel Baptist Church of Decatur, TX.  An expensive trip, three days at the border and heavy imports were paid, but they are now in Tlapa.  Praise God for this miracle.

We have now entered our 44th year for the homes.  The future is as bright as the promises of God.  Your sacrifices make possible the ongoing miracle of training generations of champions for Christ.


In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home


PS:  Since 1996, our suggested support for the children has been $75 per month.  After careful studies and consistent budget shortfalls, we need to increase it to $100 per month as the Lord allows.  We realize this may not be possible for some.  Pray with us about this need.

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