Mike Patterson: September 2013 Prayer Letter


Children                                    Church Planting                       Bible Translation

Dear Ones:


Recently, I received a phone call from Rev. Kim Hayes of Chickasha, Oklahoma.  He asked me to put together a proposal on the basics of world evangelism.  It is strange how a brush with death can clarify one’s focus on the really important things.  He asked, what are the most important needs in missions?  I am adding a final one to the list for this letter.

Areas of Greatest Need in Fulfilling the Great Commission

What are the things nearest to the great heart of our Lord?

1. World Evangelism
2. Bible Translation
3. Children
4. Faithful Servants
5. Revival in our Sending Churches.

World Evangelism

Church planting is the key.  It is simply God’s Plan.  A myriad of other ministries help make this task possible.  In addition to adequate funding for cross cultural missionaries, I see the need of helping national churches for their first building and perhaps a year or two of extra support helping nationals until the churches can support them.  A definite transition is needed to help national churches learn Biblical stewardship.

Bible Translation

Only 400 of the 7,000 language groups have an entire Bible.  Simply put, we cannot reach the world without solving this problem.  It will require funding gifted men in a gargantuan task.  It will require great sacrifice.


The history of every successful missionary endeavor begins with children.  They are the keys to breaking cultural bondage.  Find a way to invest in kids and you have found the heart of God, and these kids grow up.

Faithful Missionaries

God-called men and women are very special in the eyes of the Lord.  Those who serve with abandon are worthy of “double honor.”  We must be sensitive to their emotional, health, and family needs even after retirement.  They are qualified by I Timothy 3 and only qualified missionaries should be sent.  Home churches should be their most ardent backers.

Revival in the Sending Churches

J. Frank Norris said, “Every problem in the local church can be solved in the baptistery.”  I believe the key to world evangelism is revival at home.


Mike Patterson

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