Tom and Linda Gilmer

July 2017 Prayer Letter

Tom Gilmer: July 2017 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of Zion:

Thank you for another month of faithful giving and praying! Linda and I are grateful for your support.

In answer to a question from a contributor recently, yes, we are in Brazil. My spinal surgeries, treatment, physical therapy, etc., all have been done here in São Paulo. Thank God my recuperation is going well. I am writing this letter at my stand-up desk, which Harold Ralph mounted for me. I have difficulty writing by hand or using the computer but it’s getting easier, and I can stay seated longer in one place.  I can now do many things for myself which I could not do for months. Thank the Lord for a physical therapist who has worked for years with patients who have had my same problems.

Now that I can manage on my own for longer periods of time, this frees Linda so she can go to church with more regularity. The church in Ingá has been blessed with pianists but was short the last Sunday in June. They asked Linda to play the piano for both the morning and evening services. I enjoyed hearing her practice. Two people trusted Christ in the services that day. Even though I miss being out among the lost, I rejoice when God uses others I am working with to win souls. Five of the pastors I helped by way of telephone in one way or another this past month reported decisions for salvation, totaling twelve in all.

Our son-in-law Rom Ribeiro and daughter Rachel are now on deputation in the USA, raising funds for the construction of a building for their new church in Ribeirão Preto, a hub city about four hours’ drive northeast from São Paulo. Rom is a tremendous preacher and has a few openings left between now and December. His phone number in the USA is 864-359-6301 and email

Cajuru and Serra Azul, mentioned in last month’s prayer letter, are in the same region as Ribeirão Preto. The auditorium in Serra Azul was dedicated, as planned, and the church in Cajuru is going forward with its construction of a larger auditorium. The construction was stopped and the pastor was discouraged, but because of a special offering we received, we were able to send an offering for the pastor to use as a means of motivating the people to try harder and do more. The walls are up now, and they have some funds left over to help with the next step: putting on the roof. To God be the glory!

Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer


  1. Professions of faith: 12.
  2. Churches progressing.
  3. Linda’s knees better after infiltrations and changing her office chair.


  1. Salvation of Jews and Gentiles.
  2. Ongoing projects (church planting, Bible study helps, media outlets, and warehouse for Bibles).
  3. Tom’s recuperation from 2nd spinal surgery.


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