Bethesda Children’s Homes: June 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones
The schoolteacher strikes were a blessing in disguise. Months of waiting and tutoring our children in the homes made a difficult decision very easy. We are starting our own Christian school with the blessing of the local government that shut one down three decades ago. Times and laws are now making this vital move possible. Pray that we will have wisdom. The first $5,000 of the $22,000 needed for the school start-up has already been given!
Staff training for the leaders of the new school is now complete. We will be able to use existing buildings with some modification, but most of our costs will be the actual curriculum materials for both the teachers and students. The cost will be about $200 per child.
We will be leading a select group to visit the homes for the reunion and school year beginning. You are invited to join us. You will need to fly into Acapulco on August 15 and return on August 22. The ground package including hotels, food, and transportation is $500 per person. Let us know if you would like to reserve your place.
Pray for the Summer Mission Outreach of the Children
During summer vacation the children who have families go back to their villages for a few weeks. It gives them an opportunity to lead their family and fellow villagers to the Lord. Pray that the children will have the Power of God as they witness for these special weeks of fruit bearing. Pray for their protection as well.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home
PS: Without friends like you this ministry could not exist. Only eternity will fully reveal the extent of the blessing your sacrifices have afforded. Thank you for your prayers and monetary help.