Bethesda Children’s Homes: August 2013 Prayer Letter


Dear Ones:


Thank you for being our prayer partners.  All of the preparations for new Christian School make this doubly important.  On a personal note, your prayers after my recent heart attack are deeply appreciated.

The Staff Retreat and Bethesda Alumni Reunion

As I write, our son and his family, as well as the staff from both the homes and our Mexican office, are enroute to Acapulco.  This is a brief time of R&R for our hard working staff and spiritual preparation for the new school year.  Bill took my place since I am still weak and now in cardiac rehab.  International travel is prohibited until mid-October.

Pilgrimage to the Tlapa Homes

Dr. Neal Jackson is bringing a group of 18 from North Carolina to serve for the reunion.  The Gonzalez’, a bi-lingual father and his son from the Worth Baptist Church, traveled at their own expense to help in the translation.

My Future in the Ministry of Mt. Abarim Baptist Mission

It has been my joy to lead the mission since Dr. McCoy’s home going in 1996.  I have NO PLANS TO RETIRE OR RETREAT, but after my recent near fatal heart attack, there will be some changes.  We cannot live in the mile high altitude of Cuernavaca, but will spend our time in Mexico in our little apartment in Tlapa.  It is half the altitude and we are needed to train another generation of champions in the Lord’s work.


Many are asking when our book will be available.  It is now in the final stages of editing.  We hope to have it out by the end of the year.  This has been a labor of love and reflection upon 40 years serving in Mexico.

We Still Have a Need of about $8,000 for the New Christian School, as well as $50 Each for School Uniforms for each of our 140 Children.

These needs are mentioned that you might pray with us.  We know that ultimately the One who will provide is our Lord.


In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home


PS:  Laura has just received Christ in the bottom left photo.  See the joy on her face as she weeps her way to Jesus.  Your prayers make a difference. Becky and I started our ministry in Mexico nearly 40 years ago.  I have been preaching for over 46 years.  Still, the joy of the salvation of a soul is the greatest thrill in my life.  Please pray that I will be faithful in whatever days or months or years the Lord sees fit to grant.  I do love Him.


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