Bethesda Children’s Homes: October 2014 Prayer Letter

Pray for this young lady. She is slowly dying from inoperable brain cancer and is spending her final days in our Tlapa medical clinic. She is saved and looking forward to Heaven. When she feels strong enough, she attends Bible Classes in the homes. Her faith is an inspiration to everyone.
Dear Ones:
Please pray as we try to help the suffering from Mexico’s devastating floods. In Tixtla we are helping to fund the emergency feeding program being led by one of our graduates. He is preaching to 400+ hurting people and providing much needed food for the victims three times weekly. This has opened never dreamed of doors.
The new Christian School offers hope to the hopeless
Teacher strikes continue crippling public schools in Mexico. Our Christian school is a very special blessing. With so many villages and their schools being destroyed, we fully expect an influx of students. This will add to the burden of our staff and further extend our already groaning budget.
Pray that our faith will be equal to our task
This emergency has underscored our need to trust the Lord for great things. It is a time of suffering, but it is also a time of fruit bearing. Empty stomachs and broken dreams have opened closed hearts. We are only limited by our lack of faith as we reach out to the hurting.
National pastors and the church buildings they have built over the last four decades are destroyed…Like the Phoenix, we will rise and build. As soon as the Lord allows, Becky and I will be in Tlapa.
Some are already begging us not to go. But go we must. When my heart doctor releases me to be in Mexico, we will go to our people.
Special Prayer Request
At present, we do not have full support for of the children. We received a record number of Children. The new Christian School has also made many budget demands. We are now trying to help the pastors and members of mountain congregations led by our graduates. We desperately need prayer.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home
PS: Thank you for joining hands with us in this special time of suffering. Our graduates pastor the churches in these hurting villages. Many of the children in the Tlapa homes have lost their family homes. Crops are gone. Still, it is exciting to see the simple faith of these special children in action. They will rise up and build and we will do all we can to help. We have cleaned out the International Fund, Becky and I have all but emptied our personal accounts yet more needs to be done. Pray with us for miracle provision as we enter this time of unprecedented harvest.