Bill Patterson: December 2013 Prayer Letter
Dear Praying Friends:
This last month has been a time of great blessings. We started out in Rome, visiting our missionary, Bro. Stetson Planck. He has done a wonderful job learning Italian, and is on the verge of starting a new church plant. We rejoiced, prayed, and ate together!

Stetson Planck Family
On my way back to Mongolia, I visited a group of pastors who are interested in translating the Bible from the original languages into Korean. As we met and prayed, the Lord showed several of these men that they should be involved in this project. Please pray for them. They will be led by Pastor Benjamin Park in this huge undertaking.
In Mongolia, the Lord allowed us to completely finish our work in Galatians and finish the first four chapters of Ephesians. We met with a pastor of an underground church in Inner Mongolia, China. He was so happy to see a copy of God’s Word in Mongolian that, according to him, “Had all the words of God in it!” The main Bible available in Mongolian has many missing words, phrases, and even entire verses. Praise the Lord, He is helping us step by step!
In Christ’s love,
Bill Patterson
PS: Praise the Lord that the Ritchie family made it safely back to Mongolia. They plan to sign a three-year lease for an apartment this next week. Please continue praying for the Kruchkow family as they plan to join us in Mongolia this January. They still do not have their visas, and need them urgently.