Mike Patterson: March 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
In just twelve days our youngest, Allison, will marry Rev. Jeremy Anderson in Memphis. Pray for them as they form their Christian home. I have been asked to preach the wedding.

Allison and Jeremy Anderson 3/22/14
The transition of our son becoming the President of Mount Abarim and Steve Volante becoming the Executive Director could not have been smoother. Pray for these gifted, hard working men as they lead the mission.

Dr. Bill Patterson and his lovely family… President of Mount Abarim Baptist Mission
Becky and I will be traveling to Mexico the first of April. Pray for our protection and health in what has become a very dangerous country. We are immortal until the Lord is through with us.
I will be teaching the preacher boys in Tlapa on every aspect of ministry. We want to prepare them well as church planters. Becky, an outstanding Bible teacher, will be teaching the young ladies who have given their lives for full time service. We are so excited!
In addition, I will be helping to lead in the building project in Tepeyac. We have already received $7,000 for the project. Pray that the Lord will grant grace in spending every peso wisely.
Becky and I thank you for your continued prayer and faithful support. We could not have a ministry without you. Some have understood that we were retiring…nothing could be farther from the truth. We will be missionaries until our dying breath…and my most important ministry is doubtless yet ahead.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: Pray with us about our needs for travel expense to Mexico and the moving expense as we transfer most of what we have in Cuernavaca to Tlapa. We love you.