Bethesda Children’s Homes: August 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:

The staff retreat is in Acapulco this year
On August 5, we began our annual three-day staff retreat. This is much needed R&R for some of the hardest working servants of God in the world. They will be served meals rather than preparing them for others. They will be taught principles from the Word that will help them as they labor for the next year. I am working out the final details of my mother’s estate and sale of the home place, so Bill is graciously hosting the retreat.

Reunion Under the Big Tent
On August 10, our graduates from all over Mexico will be coming for our fifth annual reunion at Bethesda. Each year 500 or more of these Christian leaders return for a time of fellowship and renewal. It is an event with several key speakers including our son Bill, who will be the main speaker.
I finished cardiac rehab on July 28 and will be continuing a diet and exercise regimen for the rest of my life. I thank God for extending my life and ministry and so want to bring glory to His name.

Young Mexican patriots from the homes presenting the colors of México.
The children in Tlapa won over 1,500 to Christ during the calendar year that just finished. They are now in their villages for three weeks and this is always a fruitful time as they share their faith with other villagers and family. Your faithfulness continues to allow these young champions to be trained and sent out with the Gospel. Their lives have been changed for all eternity. Your fruit is now abounding worldwide.
We have now completed most of the legal matters for settling my mother’s estate. The first potential buyers of her country home were of Mexican origin. They were so receptive to the simple story of God’s love through Jesus. They may not buy the house, but the couple and their teen son were gloriously saved.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home