Mike Patterson: November 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones

Gifts from Shalom Baptist being distributed.
Thank you for your prayers and sacrifices. Our ministry continues with God’s hand of blessing and your willingness to send us as your representatives. We are thankful to our Lord and you.

132 saved at Thirtieth anniversary service.
132 saved on October 5 Anniversary Services.
September and October were wildly fruitful in our work. It hardly seems possible that 30 years have passed since we started the Mount Abarim Baptist Church of Cuernavaca. Praise Him with us!
The new church in Tepeyac will soon be finished!
Mexico’s devastating floods and mudslides completely destroyed the first church begun in the mountains by the late Dr. Lyle McCoy. The pastor’s home was also destroyed. Through a miracle provision in Mexico the pastor already has a new home. The church building is now back under construction following a heavy rainy season and should be completed by January. God has already provided the funds!
Becky had foot surgery earlier this week.
A deformity had developed from an injury in her right foot that required major surgery. Two bones had to be re-broken, the torn basal plate had to be reunited with stitches, a metal plate and five screws were needed. It was a very painful surgery and has put her travel on hold for six weeks but it was deemed successful. Please pray with me for her complete recovery. She has been so good to me through my illnesses and role reversal for a while has been a joy.

We find these children very easy to love.
Quick trip to Tlapa in December
We hope to make a short trip to be with the children for their Christmas celebration. Each year they have a special meal, treats, and a gift for each child. As the Lord allows, we will be with them as well has hosting the staff Christmas party when they receive their “Aguinaldo’ or Christmas bonus.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: Becky will be having a very special oral surgery in early December. We covet your prayers. This one is not covered by insurance and we will have about $6,000 in out of pocket expense.