Mike Patterson: January 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends:
We finished out 2014 with thankful hearts. The New Year began with family devotions and a midnight prayer meeting with three of our children, their mates and six of our grand-children. It was a great start. We are so thankful for praying friends like you. Your sacrifices have made our missionary ministry possible for over four decades. Thank you for holding our hands in the work.
The year just past was a difficult year in so many ways: In June, as my mother was beginning the death process, we began to experience the tender hand of God as our Shepherd, provider and friend. Becky had an extensive foot surgery that has put her out of commission for several months. I had heart attacks in April and again in November. Our God has never failed us.
On July 4, we were called to my precious mother’s side. It was the last time she was able to communicate with us. She kissed me all over my face then said repeatedly, “I love you.” She then placed her little emaciated hands on my cheeks and said, “You stay here, I gone.” With a look of joy on her face she sang, “I gone, I gone, I gone…” We sang, “My Jesus I love Thee,” to her. When we reached the line, “My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou,” she lifted her sightless eyes toward Heaven and her little arms shot upward in an obvious gesture of wordless praise. She slipped into her Lord’s presence on July 6. I praise the Lord for a Godly mother. We probably lost our most ardent prayer warrior.

140+ saved in a single service… 30th anniversary service in Cuernavaca
We began the new fiscal year for the Bethesda Homes in Tlapa last September with 150 children and a staff of twenty. Our faith is being stretched. In October, I preached the 30th anniversary of our church in Cuernavaca. 140+ received Christ. Our children are all active in His service. Our grandchildren are all being taught the ways of the Lord. Heather is now in college. Allison married Jeremy Anderson, an assistant pastor, in Memphis, TN, on March 22. Ten months have now passed and their first child is due January 28. Pray for this new addition.
In His love,
Mike Patterson

Forty-Fifth Anniversary
PS: Becky is the consummate help meet and the love of my life. During all of my illnesses she has poured her loving service on me with abandon. Our marriage has been a little slice of Heaven here on earth for 45 years. Recently, through her foot surgery incapacitation, I have been able to serve her and it has been a joy.