Bethesda Children’s Homes: March 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
In a few days most of the children will return to their villages for Easter week. Each year this is a time of concentrated fruit bearing. Pray that they will be faithful witnesses and that God will bless their efforts.
I am glad to report that the riots have calmed somewhat though the situation is very delicate. Dropping oil prices have all but wrecked the government owned oil company Pemex and this has had a negative effect on the economy. Corporate taxes have soared and businesses are collapsing in many places. This directly affects all of the people of México.

Miguel and Esther-directors of Girls’ Home
I included a photo of Miguel and Esther, directors of the girls’ home. They are wonderful selfless people and are doing a wonderful job. They just had their second child born while serving with us in Tlapa.
Construction on the church building in Tepeyac has again stalled due to the director of the project having surgery. Pray that we can soon complete this much needed project. The financial need has been met.

Boys about to enter their afternoon Bible classes.
The mattresses have been ordered and should be delivered any day now. Funds are coming from friends in Tennessee to complete the purchase and pay for the shipping which we had not anticipated. Keep praying with us for uniforms and Christian school materials which will cost about $8600.
We thank God for your faithfulness and willingness to sacrifice for these very special children. We also thank you for your prayers. The children pray daily for their sponsors.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home

MY PEOPLE, is now available on Amazon as well as Xulon Press and many bookstores.
P.S. I had the heart ablation surgery and though I am weak it seems to have been a success. MY PEOPLE is now available and a portion of the price of each book will be given to the Bethesda Homes.