Rom Ribeiro: May 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor and Brethren,
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord….” (I Co. 15.58)

Building rented for fifth church
After four months, we finally found a rented building that will be suitable for church services. The place is small (it will seat 80 to 100 people), but it is located at the intersection of three of the city’s most important avenues. If we grow to more than 100 people, we always have the option of adding another service on Sundays. God has answered our prayers.
The Lord has already provided funds for the monthly rent and for the remodeling of the building. We plan to inaugurate our church by the end of June. Meanwhile, we are holding Bible studies in our home. Last week, we had more than 20 people present. These people are very excited about the new church, and they have promised to work hard to see it growing spiritually and numerically for God’s glory.
Besides establishing the new church, Rom is assisting in a project called Antioch. He is encouraging Brazilian pastors from nearby cities to get together to start new churches in small towns where land and buildings are cheaper. Presently there are nine pastors participating in this project. Together they are giving close to $400 a month to a new congregation in the city of Serra Azul. The amount is small, but it is exciting to see these pastors working together in church planting.
Pray that the Lord will use our time in the southeast of Brazil to grow a church, and to influence this region with a missionary vision. Thank you so much for all that you have done for us for the sake of the Gospel.
In His Perfect Love,
Rom, Rachel, Rochelle & Roxanne Ribeiro