Bethesda Children’s Homes: June 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor and Friends:
Outbreak of dengue fever in girls home
Yesterday, I spoke with Miguel, director of the girls’ home, and he requested prayer for four of the girls that have dengue fever. This mosquito borne illness is prevalent during the rainy season. Though it is seldom fatal, it often gives a couple of weeks of misery. It is also called “break bone fever” because of the pain. Both homes have been fumigated, but pray that others will not be infected.

Girls at play
Christian School prayer request
Pray with us for special needs with the Christian school. We still need forty sponsors at $40 per month and a one-time yearly cost of $125 per child for books and materials.
Staff Retreat
Each year we host a retreat for the workers in the homes and our International Office staff from Cuernavaca in late July before the new school year starts. Meals, lodging, transportation and, love gifts for the event all cost about $3,500. We need sponsors for this event. This has proved to be a wonderful investment in our staff who work seven days a week and are on call 24/7 most of the year.

One of the girls Bible classes
Homecoming and Independence Celebration
In September, Becky and I will be in Tlapa following completion of my cardiac rehab. We will be hosting the Homecoming Celebration this year and expect 1,000 or more of the graduates of the homes to attend the three-day meeting. This year we will combine this three-day meeting with the 15 de September Independence celebration. We will rent a large tent and feed the entire mob for a time of preaching and revival. We need sponsors for this event which will has a budget of about $5,000.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home
PS: Please pray for us as we travel weekends this summer representing the homes. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of the Bethesda Homes in Tlapa.