Mike Patterson: July 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
Thank you so much for being our faithful prayer partners. We deeply appreciate and love you. The fruits of our labors are abounding to your account.
I am now preaching on weekends!
As cardiac rehab progresses, I am gaining strength and am able to preach again. It brings me great joy to report this progress.
Pastor Leopoldo is now in Heaven.
After a time of suffering, Leopoldo is now with his Lord and his mentor, Dr. Lyle McCoy. Polo started and pastored ten local churches in a tireless labor of love. He had been training his son to be his successor in the ministry. He was a fervent soul-winner and a faithful man. He will be sorely missed.

New Tepeyac church building almost finished!
The new building in Tepeyac is almost finished.
As you see in the photos. the building is now under roof and they are pouring the floors as I write. Doors and windows have been ordered and should be delivered in a few days. We will dedicate the building in early September, after I complete cardiac rehab. The only thing we lack is funds for 40 benches and simple office furniture for the pastor. This represents a total need of about $4,100.

The church in Cuernavaca continues to grow.
Back to Tlapa soon!
I finish rehab on August 27, and we plan to fly to Mexico a few days later. Thank you for being our faithful friends through these trials.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: I seldom mention personal needs, but our GMC will soon need new tires, which represent a need of about $600. Thanks for praying for my ongoing recovery. I really am better.