Bethesda Children’s Homes: October 2015 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
We just returned from Mexico and it was a blessed trip. I had no major heart issues while preaching at high altitudes. Sixty one were saved and ten surrendered for full-time service in these meetings. I know this is the direct answer to your prayers and want to pause and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

First baptism in Tepeyac’s new baptistery.

Tepeyac children now have a beautiful church.
The new building in Tepeyac was dedicated September 17
The building was dedicated, and many decisions were made for Christ. We had the joy of witnessing the first baptism in the new facility. It was a joy beyond words to preach to these people who have suffered so much. The benches are funded and being built.
Reunion of the Bethesda Homes – September 18, 2015
At least 550 attended the reunion from all over the mountain region. The Lord moved in Holy Spirit Power and with many being saved and at least ten giving their lives for full time service.

I preached in Cuernavaca on September 20.
It was a joy to speak in our Cuernavaca church on September 20!
I spoke to a packed auditorium on “Singing a New Song.” The Lord chose to bless and the altars were packed at the invitation. Funds were raised that night to help Missionary Manuel Diaz build a home in Bhatta, Equatorial Guinea, Africa. Within minutes after Rev. Alex Ramirez presented the need, the loving congregation was able to fully meet their goal with gifts of $100-200 dollars each from many.

Happy children in Tlapa.
The Future
We will be making regular trips to Mexico while basing out of our Texas home. After 48 years of preaching and my ongoing heart issues, this is the realistic option and a compromise with my cardiologist. I am in touch with our marvelous staff in Mexico every day. I still feel that our best years of ministry are yet ahead.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
PS: We have a need of $4,000 to build an underground cistern at the Girl’s Home. Pray that my strength will be equal to my task. Our calendar is filling very quickly. We so want to be a blessing.