Mike Patterson: August 2017 Prayer Letter
August 2017
Dear Ones:
Thank you for your prayers. I can report the mighty moving of our Lord’s hand. So many are being saved. The three building projects are now history, though final bills now require real time miracles.
Cancer surgery – August 14

The cancer was all removed from my duodenum
My surgery was successful, but with complications. The wall of my duodenum was perforated creating a life-threatening situation. For five days, I could neither eat nor drink anything and the pain was incredible. Staples held, antibiotics worked, and I’m home resting for a few days before we return to Mexico. The perforation was a blessing in disguise. Pathology reported that ALL of the cancerous tumor was removed. Doctors thought this was impossible. The Great Physician heard your prayers and ignored the doctors. PTL!
Flood update from Texas
We are still in a motel while they work on our home. This has been a faith building and patience growing experience. The expense has been astronomical even with insurance. Our God has never failed us!

The school building is now complete!
In days, the new children will begin to join us in Tlapa
We expect 140 to 150 children in September. Until recently, we had promised support for 125. Recently fifteen of those precious sponsors had to discontinue due to financial crises. Pray for them, their letters were heart wrenching. Also pray that very soon sponsors for the 30-40 unsupported children will be provided. We will trust the Lord in this, no one will be turned away for lack of a sponsor.
The dollar has devaluated about 20% since January
In weakness God has sweetened my prayer life. Our budget just increased by 20%, both personally and for the homes. Thank God most of our building was completed before this happened. We really do need your prayers, and miracle provisions from God for both the homes and us personally. Thank you for being the best team ever!
In His love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. We desperately need a $4,000 miracle for Christian school materials. The September order is now on hold awaiting provision.