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Tom and Linda Gilmer

January 2018 Prayer Letter

Tom Gilmer: January 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of Zion:

Linda and I are deeply grateful for your faithful prayers and offerings for our work.

The Chabad rabbi apologized by phone for having to cancel his promise to attend a service at our first church, Templo Batista de Indianópolis, in December. He said he plans to go in January.

The leader of a Jewish educational organization did attend a service. He appeared to be moved by Pastor Marcos’s sermon.  He talked with Pastor Marcos for a long time after the service.  He confessed that he did not own a Bible, so Pastor Marcos gave him one.

A Jewish organization is collecting testimonies from Holocaust victims for a Holocaust Museum in São Paulo. A university student that attends our Friday night Friends of Zion meetings was accepted to work with the project.  We have three Holocaust survivors, who have trusted Jesus as their Messiah, lined up to be interviewed and photographed.  Their testimonies will include the positive impact the Bible had on their lives.

Linda is active in our work, in spite of continuous pain from inflamed nerves caused by shingles. Your prayers are important.

May God richly bless you all.

Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer


  1. Professions of faith: (7)
  2. Progress at Guacuri congregation (Be sure to read Harold Ralph and Lílian’s prayer letter).
  3. São Miguel congregation growing under leadership of Jorge and Ingrid; rejoicing in the miraculous birth of their first child, Laura. Doctors had said they could never have children!


  1. Salvation of Jews and Gentiles.
  2. Ongoing projects (church planting, Bible study helps, media outlets, and warehouse for Bibles).
  3. Continued prayer for our daughter Ruth Hammond’s family; healing for son Jonathan.
  4. Linda, healing from chronic shingles.

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