Mike Patterson: May 2018 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends:
About forty years ago, I spent a long and largely sleepless night in a little village called Plan de Guadalupe. High in the mountains, it was bone chilling frigid. I slept on a flea infested straw mat on the floor with neither a sleeping bag nor bedding. Dr. Lyle McCoy’s team had been preaching in the village for a year with no visible results, but God was at work. I gave a simple message translated into Mixteco.
The first to move was the village mayor. A fellow hunter, we had quickly established a bond and a budding friendship. When he accepted Christ, 28 adults were saved as well. Lyle McCoy could not believe what was happening. He went back over the message twice before he was convinced they were serious about their decisions.
They mayor asked me to drive four stakes into the ground marking the corners for a “church” building. Six weeks later we returned and a humble stick, mud and thatched roof building was dedicated.

Half of the crowd on hand for first service.
On April 17, I received a precious message from Rev. Faustino Rojas Estrada, graduate of the homes and pastor of the Bible Baptist Church of Plan de Guadalupe. They had just dedicated their lovely new building and 69 were gloriously saved. From another village church, came the report of 200 being saved in a week of revival meetings.
When we left for Mexico, I never dreamed of these things happening. The McCoy’s did not live to see some of their greatest works done. At the building dedication, the preachers were all products of the McCoy ministries. Only God could do this. Praise Him with us.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. This Saturday is Children’s Day in the homes and it will be a day they will never forget. For most, special gifts and treats are unknown before they come. Now we are training a new generation. Yes, we have burdens and needs, but we will trust God with them today.