Mike Patterson: September 2018 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:

Bethesda Girls’ Choir in Tlapa
The Tlapa church hosted its summer Bible Conference. It was an incredible meeting. Over 150 received Christ as Savior, 55 surrendered for full time service and 39 were baptized by the last night of the meeting. Over 1000 attended each service. God sent revival. Praise the lord with us.

A small part of the crowd in the Tlapa meeting.
Last month began with our retreat for the staff of both homes and the international office in Cuernavaca. I was in the midst of cancer treatments and testing so our son Bill Patterson graciously led the retreat and spoke on leadership. It was a wonderful time of R and R and loving on the staff. All received special gifts and a few days in a small resort about 2 hours from the homes.
As you know, I am again battling cancer. On August 14 they planned to remove another carcinoid tumor in my duodenum. It was gone. Evidently, the Great Physician had already removed it. They are still evaluating the GIST tumor and lesions in my pancreas. Since I am relatively symptom free the are “waiting and watching.” The Lord may have handled that problem too. I am in His hands.
We have insurance but have been hit hard by out of pocket co-pays and cancer studies, scans and treatments. On August 30, I had about half of another toe amputated. Infection entered the bone. I’m still bleeding and have pain but I’m able to work in my office. We found out the day of the surgery that the hospital was “out of network.”
These things coupled with the earthquake damage repair have made this a difficult summer financially. We covet your prayer. Our God is our supply and I thank Him for the sacrifices of so many that have made our ministry possible for forty-four years. We love you too!
In His love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. We have our tickets and will fly back to Mexico September 9.