Mike and Becky Patterson

October 2018 Prayer Letter

Mike Patterson: October 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Ones:

Evening service in Cuernavaca

I want to thank you for your prayers. God is answering in wonderful ways. On October 4 I surprised even the doctors and received a good report from the oncologist. Cancer markers had not elevated as feared and I will not need any treatment at this time. They will run tests again in three months.

Baptisms one by one.

The final stages of the repairs of the earthquake damage in Cuernavaca are now being completed. Expenses above designated gifts have made this difficult. Thanks for helping us pray.  I have been released to travel and we have now begun two months of travel presenting the needs of the home.


Feeding the Sunday evening crowd.

While in Mexico, Heaven came down last month. On September 16 the evening services in Cuernavaca. It was Mexico’s Independence Day celebration. That night 67 adults were saved and 75 received Christ in the youth service. I preached for Dr. Kevin Wynne the next Sunday in Mexico City. 118 were saved in the morning services with 60 baptized. As a preacher, I was just overwhelmed to see God work.

Preaching in Mexico City.

Pray that we will have strength for our labor and wisdom in leading the Tlapa Homes. Soon we will receive new videos for both the Children’s homes and our personal ministry. Pray that these productions will be cause for praise to the Lord and express our thanks to all who sacrifice to make our ministries possible.

In a few days I will be preaching for the mission conference of the Shalom Baptist Church in New York. They have just moved in to a new facility for the church. Pray for this meeting and Pastor John Gibson as he leads it. Our daughter Joy serves at his side.

In His love,
Mike Patterson

P.S. Becky and I are facing personal needs and we covet your prayers that we will be faithful in serving. God bless you and again thank you.

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