Bethesda Children’s Home: May 2019 Pray Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson
MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Home – Tlapa, Mexico

Rejoice: The church in Tlapa and Cuernavaca continue to grow despite dangers and narco-wars. Historically the work of the Lord has prospered in times of trial. 2019 is proving to be a fruitful year.

Graduation Banquet and Celebration: The Bethesda Homes and Christian School will host its commencement in June. Numerous government officials as well as large family delegations from the mountains will attend. A banquet will served and the Gospel will be given during the annual celebration.

Summer Staff Training and Retreat: Yearly, days are set aside for staff training and much-needed retreat for our entire Mexican staff of nearly 30. Pray with us. We still need a sponsor of about $5000. An investment with eternal dividends.
Praise: We will be flying to Mexico on May 29. Rejoice!

Cancer: One of my cancer markers has risen to 689. Normal is 25-100. More scans in July. I’m immortal until the Lord is finished with me. I do ask your prayers.
in His Love,
Mike and Becky Patterson
Answers to Prayer:
-Uniforms and dress clothes provided for homes
-Dining hall screens installed and curtains for girls
-All ceiling fans purchased and installed
-Funds for water purification systems for both homes have now been provided
Prayer Request: Pray that we will be able to buy one of the needed pick-ups while we are in Tlapa. ($10,000 needed)