Bethesda Children’s Homes: September 2019 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson
MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Home – Tlapa, Mexico
Dear Praying friends:

We began this month in Mexico for the Fiftieth Anniversary and Home Coming for the Bethesda Homes. We had a record attendance as graduates came from all over Mexico for the meetings. Three of the alumni pastors joined me in preaching. Many were saved and thirteen surrendered for the ministry.

We added 22 new children this year. Two have already been sponsored but the others need sponsors at $125 per month. The fruit of an investment in these young champions cannot be matched anywhere. The potential is unlimited. We now have to buy uniforms for over 170 including children and staff. (About $50 each.)
When we build the new Christian School building to economize, it was built without glass and we later added screens. However, with heavy blowing rains we’re having some water damage issues. Glass had been ordered and with installation it will cost about $4,000.

We will be in Cuernavaca for the last of the month and the first part of October. The Mount Abarim Baptist Church will celebrate its 35th anniversary with a four-day revival meeting. Pray for a great harvest of souls. They expect attendances of over 1000. Bill and I will both be preaching for the meeting along with Dr. Antonio Gomez.

Continue prayer for my health. I’ve been having trouble with congestive heart failure along with the cancer battle. Although I am weak physically, my God is infinitely strong. Each time I preach, I’m amazed at the strength God gives. Already, nearly 50 have been saved in special meetings this month and at least 29 have surrendered for full-time service. With Paul, I can rejoice in weakness.

In His Love,
Mike and Becky Patterson
Paslm 2:8

P.S. A low mileage, fully loaded but hail damaged 2017 Suburban is available from a friend for $15,000 to replace our nine-year old high mileage travel vehicle. Pray with us for this provision.