Marlon and Kareen Jumawan: March-April 2020 Prayer Letter
Marlon and Kareen Jumawan – Missionary and Church Planter in Philippines
Dear Pastors and Praying Friends,
We have a living God who is the most powerful of all! Whatever is going on around the world, He is in control.
Here in Toledo City, Philippines, enhanced quarantine is getting tighter. Each family has one quarantine pass and only the assigned person is allowed to go out to buy the essential needs. We are not allowed to enter any government establishments, supermarkets, or any stores without the quarantine pass. We cannot go to other cities. All sorts of public transportation has been stopped and it is difficult to enter and move around in the city. This resulted in many people losing their jobs and source of income. However, through God’s amazing grace, Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church is able to be a light in this dark time.

Through negotiating with the local government officials who understand our goal, LBBC vehicle is the only non-government vehicle operating within the city, giving the people a free ride. Each rider receives a gospel tract. This is the vehicle that was donated to us last year. God has also enabled us to be a blessing to our local community by giving masks, and food packs (2 kilos rice, 2 cans of sardines, 3 packs of noodles) with tracts inside to almost 200 poor families.

Any form of gathering is already illegal here in Toledo, but somehow, God allowed us to continue our regular services. Two groups of police officers visited to warn us about illegal gathering and one of those visits was during our Sunday service. We are taking all the precautionary measures like wearing a mask, family clustering, and social distancing for individuals. Alcohol and paper towels are provided along with handwashing stations. We are having our services without visitors. We have instructed our elderly members, children, those who are afraid and those with any sickness to stay at home, but some brave and faithful members continue to come in a very discreet way. The police officers saw that we are implementing strict measures. Through prayers and God’s grace, we are continuing our services. We are also doing all necessary things to not provoke the authorities and neighbors by parking elsewhere and walking towards the church by twos. This is to avoid catching attention from outside. We are not using microphones and speakers at this time.

We are praying for churches all around the world. Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. May God continue to bless us all.
In Christ,
Marlon Jumawan
Matthew 5:16
Soulwinning Report:
February 2020 – 134 souls saved; 4 baptisms
March 2020 – 63 souls saved