Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes – September 2020 Prayer Letter

Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson – MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative 
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Dear Ones:

You will be glad to hear the children are back in the homes! Unfortunately, many people have already died in our churches, and among our missionary and pastor friends. Two more died in the Tlapa church this weekend. For Mexico, Covid 19 has become a plague of Biblical proportions.

God has graciously provided for our school material and about half of the cost of the sanitation chambers. $6500 is still in needed.

Several fundamental changes have been made to protect the children. Reverse osmosis became the final step for water purification after having installed a very sophisticated filtration system. Every person entering both homes will have their temperature checked and must enter the sanitation chambers. Temperatures, for the children and staff, will be taken twice daily. Masks are being used and precautions taken.

The project of placing new closets in all of the dorm rooms will soon be complete. Kitchen remodeling is complete. Stainless steel gleams everywhere! Our staff has used the time wisely in preparation. About 60% of the children have arrived. The local officials will do an inspection in late September and then other children may be received. Pray with us that we will have favor with the inspectors.

In His Love,
Mike and Becky Patterson

P.S. My health has vastly improved. I am walking 2-3 miles daily. Our personal finances have been severely affected this summer. Several donors were forced to lower or drop their personal support to us due to their own shortages. We understand.

We covet your prayers. Our Mexican board and all the staff have urged us to wait on returning until it is less dangerous. We are torn, but a waiting for a green light from the Lord. Our airplane tickets have already been cancelled several times.

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