Rom and Rachael Ribeiro: 2020 Annual Report
Rom and Rachel Ribeiro – Church Planter in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Dear Pastor and Brethren,
“But know this, that in the last days grievous times shall come.” (II Tim. 3:1)

2020 has been one of the most tempestuous years of our lifetime: then pandemic, political and economic turmoil. Worse yet, our authorities have tried to convince us that church is nonessential, and, unfortunately, some of our brethren have come to agree with them. But in spite of this “grievous time,” God has blessed. God allowed us to acquire a piece of land for the sixth church of our ministry. Rom just preached during a three-day conference celebrating this church’s first anniversary. The building was packed (considering the restrictions on occupancy due to the pandemic) and at least five people made a profession of faith. Our next step is to solicit help from CWE (Christians for Worldwide Evangelism) to raise the sanctuary. But before they can come to do that, we must build a simple Sunday school building and lay the foundation of the sanctuary.

We will need approximately $60,000 to do our part before CWE comes to do theirs. Please pray for this specific ministry need.
The fifth church, where we are presently working, in Ribeirão Preto, unfortunately, has not resumed the momentum it was experiencing before the pandemic, though we are back to normal church services. Next year we need to target spiritual and numeric growth. Our Deaf Church, on the other hand, came back stronger than ever.
In His Perfect Love,
Rom, Rachel, Rochelle & Roxanne Ribeiro

This past month the first church we established, in Goiânia, commemorated its 27th Anniversary. Baptist Mid-Missions missionary Graham Foran was our guest speaker. At this same church, Roxanne released her first CD ever, a Christmas CD entitled NOVAS DE GRANDE ALEGRIA (Good Tidings of Great Joy).