Isaac and Evelyn Perez – 2020 Annual Report
Isaac and Evelyn Perez – Church Planter in Ecuador
May God bless you! We greet you from the south of Ecuador and the province of Loja. We thank the Lord for all He has done in the past year. Despite the difficulties, we saw people saved, baptized, added to the church, and getting their lives right before the Lord.

As a church, we have a small group of soul winners which go out each Thursday and Saturday to take the Good News of salvation to others. Visitors have come to our Sunday services, and we always share the Gospel with them at the end of the preaching service.
We have many plans for this year. Our anniversary and missions conference will be simultaneous. We currently support four missionaries. We are also planning a family camp and a revival conference. We have learned to say with James: “If the Lord will.” We have prayed and left these matters in God’s hands, asking Him to take control of everything.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support which have sustained us through these difficult times. We do ask that you continue praying. In August of 2021, we hope to send a young man to Mexico to prepare for full-time service. Thank you for your prayers and financial support which have sustained us through these difficult times. We do ask that you continue praying. In August of 2021, we hope to send a young man to Mexico to prepare for full-time service. This young man was called to preach during the Revival Fires conference. He serves in our church and is a faithful soul winner. We ask that you pray for his protection and provision, and for the Holy Spirit to lead him.