Manuel and Reina Diaz : March 2021 Prayer Letter
Manuel and Reina Diaz – Church Planter in Equatorial Guinea, Africa
MARCH 2021

“…knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.” 1Peter 5:9b
We thank our God that he allows us to be alive because of his mercy towards us, knowing that the promises of his mercyare for everyone that in his grace has been saved and obeys his will.
This month has been very difficult for all the people in this place, even for the children of God who are not exempt from what happens in every part of the world, as I informed you on March 7th, we saw the hand of God as he protected us from a terrible explosion that took the lives of more than 100 people and more than 600 injured.
It made us see how fragile life is, however we also felt the peace of God that settled in our hearts, reminding us his promise: “Do not fear, for I am with you.”

We cannot deny that as humans we were afraid of the unknown as we have never lived anything like this, but how wonderful our God is as he guided us to know what to do in difficult times. After our Sunday service the roof suffered damages but it did not fall, we saw a miracle of God towards those who were still in the church. Glory to God. Everyone returned home safe, there were material loses but thank God there were no loss of life and no one was injured. God is good.
We do not stop to thank God for what he had done. Now there is much work to do, but we know that in every part of the world our brethren also suffer and sometimes more than we do. We must continue forward until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ or until he takes us to his presence.
I thank the Lord, that during this time he strengthened my weakened body because of typhoid and malaria, as well as comfort to my heart for the loss of my sister Maricela because of the covid there in Mexico. Thank you for inviting me to share through virtual conferences our testimony and for sending us messages of encouragement. We appreciate it.
We thank each and everyone of you who pray for us and not only that but have supported us financially and continue giving for the rebuilding of the church in this place.
Thank you for your generosity. May God reward your love towards the work in this part of the world, for responding to the need of the people not only the material needs but the most important the spiritual need, there is still much fruit to reap. Let’s continue faithful. Greeting and until next time.