Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes for Tribal Children– April 2021 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson – MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
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April 9, 2021
Dear friends:

Rejoice and offer praise to the Lord. The entire $75,000 need to purchase the property has been met. We were amazed as so many dear friends joined in sacrificing for the farm. We will be signing papers a week from today in Tlapa transferring the title to the Bethesda Homes. On behalf of the children, staff, and Becky and me, thank you for this investment.
Phase II…Rise up and build!
A Christian builder who is a dear friend in Mexico is developing the master plan. A gift from God, he has done all of our building for years without charge for engineering, architecture and direction.
We will build a chicken farm for 500 hens, a bungalow for the project director and family, a large palapa (open sided pavilion) for classes and where we will begin the village mission, and a greenhouse for tomatoes and other plants that will produce three crops a year. We will pay only for materials and labor. The plans, permits, and oversight of the project are being donated. The projected cost is about $50,000. We will build as the Lord supplies, without debt!
The land is amazingly fertile. The orchard is already producing mangos, coconuts, bananas, avocados, oranges, grapefruits and maracaibo. The irrigation system has functioned well for 30 years.
A dream is becoming reality. Only in Heaven will any of us really grasp the extent of this miracle. A generation of young farmers will be trained in cutting edge agriculture. National pastors who sacrifice so much will be blessed. The entire mountain region will be affected and the now lucrative drug crops will have nutritious competition.
In His Love,
Mike Patterson