Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes – Update on THE FARM
August 2021 – Update on THE FARM
The Property:
We found a small farm with complete canal irrigation built by Mexico’s Chipingo Agricultural University. The land was already in production and it has mature orchards with 12 varieties of tropical fruits. It was and is far beyond our fondest dreams. It is located on a clear spring fed fork of the river that never runs dry. The soil is fertile and the water tables lies just 7-8 feet below the surface on all of the property.
The Plan:
On it we will raise fruits, vegetables and produce for the homes. It will have a chicken farm for eggs and meat. A hydroponic greenhouse with fish ponds is planned will provide some crops year-round and fish for consumption. A university graduate from the homes will lead the project. Students in our Christion school will work the farm while learning cutting edge agricultural processes. Experienced older farmers are joining in the project.
The Purpose
Nothing will be sold. We will not be in competition with local farmers. Produce will be used by the homes; any surplus will be given to help national pastors or traded for other needed products. It will be a training center helping the entire mountain region adapted to the rigors of mountain farming. Nearly all will our graduates will one day inherit family communal farms. We want this to be an encouragement to the entire mountain region and a help to the national pastors valiantly serving in hard places.
The Provision
God worked a 90-day miracle as God led our friends to sacrifice. The $75,000 was paid in full in April along with other unexpected costs. We are beginning four major building programs when building permits are received. The man who has built all our buildings in Tlapa for 20 years by donating the engineering, architecture and oversight, has developed the master plan. With the help of a young civil engineer, and a graduate of the homes, he will lead the building projects.
The Projects
These are the planned buildings:
- A two-bedroom caretaker’s home. About $60,000 dollars.
- The Palapa. A pavilion for teaching, fellowship, and starting a village church. About $30,000. (It will have bathrooms and a kitchen.)
- The dual-purpose chicken farm raising both chickens for meat and eggs for the homes. About $25,000.
- Hydroponic Greenhouse and tilapia ponds. Producing both produce and fish year-round. The pond water will circulate for both nutrition and fertilizer for the produce. About $25,000.
The Petition
The irrigation systems and dykes make the property incredibly valuable. Mexico’s depressed economy and devalued currency made this an amazing opportunity. We are now in the process of fencing and cross fencing the property. Funds for completing this are in hand. At least half of the need for the caretaker’s home has already been received. We will need about $100,000 to complete all four projects. We will not go in debt but will build as the Lord supplies.