Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes – November 2021 Newsletter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson – MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
November 2021

Dear Ones,
Stella Mae was a remarkable lady. Married at age fourteen she was gloriously saved at age seventeen. Though her new fond faith brought joy in her heart and problems in her marriage, she stuck it out going on to have eight children. At church Stella Mae fell in love with missionaries. She first gathered pop bottles to sell for her faith promise. After raising her children she studied to become a nurse, and she could finally give liberally. At retirement, she won souls and sold her famous muffins to continue giving. Funds were recently given in her memory to finish the farmhouse Stella Mae’s ministry goes on. Now our time to lay up heavenly treasure.
Raymond McGaha was another who sacrificed for the work of missionaries. He was buried October 25 and Heaven has gained another hero. He and his wife have been our friends for 45 years. This couple has given sacrificially for all of their Christian lives.
The work continues: Building, farming, teaching planting churches and winning souls.
In His Love,
Mike and Becky Patterson
Prayer Request:
Sponsors are needed for about 40 children at $125 per month. I wish you could know them. Dr. McCoy’s dream marches on. Six new much needed staff members have been added since September
P.S. The infection from my foot traveled to my knee and it has not healed properly. Orthopedic surgery has been performed to save the knee. Please pray for my recover. Some are already asking so yes, we do have needs, but God will supply!