Stetson and Sandy Planck : Annual Report for 2021
Stetson and Sandy Planck – Church Planter in Italy

After having served the Lord in Italy for nearly a decade, we returned to the States for a brief season in 2020. During that time, we continued our ministry in Italy though on-line group video meetings. In fact, given the lockdowns in Italy due to COVID we have been able to have Bible studies in the same manner as if we were still on Italian soil.
Being fluent in Italian and understanding the culture makes us well suited to return to a people that are awaiting us to start a church in the city of Verona. The population of Verona is over 260,000 and ranked second among cities of over 100,000 souls with the fewest gospel-preaching churches. Verona’s region of the Veneto itself approaches 5 million souls and is one of the least reached areas of Italy. We are seeking churches with a heart for missions and a desire to reach Italian souls for Christ. Will you consider partnering with us? Verona is in desperate need of the gospel!
Current Ministry while in the States
Each week we have a group Italian Bible study through Zoom. We have had eight new participants in our study since beginning a series on the book of Revelation in mid-October of which three have been very faithful, giving us a total between 12 and 15 people. In December, I had the privilege of leading an Italian lady to Christ through a video chat that has attended our Bible studies for over a year-and-a-half.
Future Plans
Our hope is to return to Italy by the end of the Summer. Once we return to Italian soil, we would like to organize a church with our Bible study participants in the city of Verona within the first few months of our arrival, with plans to start additional churches in the cities of Bergamo, Vicenza and Padova, where some of our participants currently live.
Prayer Requests
• 90% of the churches to whom we’ve presented our ministry will takes us on for support
• Fill open dates in our schedule for March-June with churches burdened for reaching Italy
• Funds for our move to Italy
• Our Bibles studies will continue to grow spiritually as well as numerically