Tom and Linda Gilmer : Annual Report for 2021 (January 2022)
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Linda Gilmer – Church Planter, Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil
Dear Friends of Zion:
Linda and I thank all who prayed and contributed in any way to the success of the year 2021.

1. PROFESSIONS OF FAITH: 3 Jews, 92 Gentiles.
2. CHURCH MINISTRY — Some highlights:
Congregation in Jacui – A man of Jewish background and his wife accepted Jesus as their Messiah, legalized their marital status, and were baptized at the annual church picnic of our first church, Templo Batista de Indianópolis. They have three young children.
Igreja Batista de Parque Bristol (Parque Bristol Baptist Church), which was started 47 years ago by missionary Clifford New (now with the Lord) was saved from closing, with some financial help. They called Brother Amâncio, a member of Templo Batista de Indianópolis who was awaiting ordination, as pastor. Around $6,000 is still needed to help this church normalize their financial situation.
Templo Batista de Indianópolis is in a temporary rented location while awaiting the construction of a new building that will include an auditorium,
educational space, and a parking garage.
3. BIBLE MINISTRY : See Harold Ralph and Lilian Gilmer’s annual Report.
A new resource book for Bibliology is just off the press, published by a Brazilian publishing house, written by a Brazilian author with the help of Tom Gilmer as Editorial Consultant. A project of more than five years completed.
4. APPLE IOS BIBLE APP, like our ANDROID BIBLE APP, is now available with the ACF (Almeida Corrigida Fiel) Bible text we publish and the King James Version.
- Salvation of Jews and Gentiles
- Harold Ralph and Lilian to obtain the 23% lacking in their support.
- Preparations for the Bi-Annual Conference of the Comunhão Batista Bíblica Nacional (CBBN, the Brazilian National Bible Baptist Fellowship of over 300 churches) to be held in Recife in July 2022.
- Work with Pastor Marcos, pastor of Templo Batista de Indianópolis (TBI) and President of the Comunhão Batista Bíblica Nacional (CBBN), along with national missionaries and others to start churches in nine Brazilian states that do not have even one church of the CBBN.
- Ongoing projects (Bible study helps, both media and printed).
Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer