Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes -April 2022 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

Dear Pastor and friends,
God is so good! This past month so many wonderful things have happened to encourage us! Exciting days are also on the horizon!
Thirty boys and thirty-five girls have been saved and baptized this past month. They are also learning to win souls.
The children have enjoyed a picnic at the farm, as well as picking fruit from the trees, and swimming in the river. In spite of not being able to start on other projects on the farm, little by little the caretaker’s house is almost ready.
In June the first three graduates of the Christian school will receive thier diplomas. You may remember this is the first year all the children have been able to be in the Christian school. Twenty-one students will graduate from elementary school and four from junior high. In Mexico, the graduation from each level of schooling is celebrated. We are excited for them!
As for as what I can do here, all the documents are now in order. Praise the Lord! Bill and Marcy Patterson and I will be taking them to Mexico April 15. There will be a memorial service for my Mike on April 23. All five of our children will be present, also.
Thank you for your prayers and support. May God bless you!
Because He Lives,
Becky Patterson