Harold and Lílian Gilmer : December 2022 Prayer Letter
Harold and Lilian Gilmer – South America Director, Church Planter and Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil.
Dear Brethren:
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).
A new family picture was long overdue. Raphael is now eleven, a sixth grader, and Danielle is eight, in third grade. Lílian is a beautiful as ever, a loving, dedicated mother, who loves serving the Lord with all her heart. Truly, I am a blessed man. Truly our needs are great, but the Lord is supplying our needs on a day-by-day basis. He is also blessing our small Congregation—during the month of November, three people accepted the Lord as their Savior and two young men followed the Lord in believer’s baptism. To God be the glory! What an Awesome God we serve!

Special Prayer Request– Upcoming Trip – The Lord willing we will be in the USA during the month of January to attend our mission´s (Mt. Abarim Baptist Mission, Int.) annual conference, to be held at our home church, Worth Baptist Church. Please pray for traveling mercies and especially that we will be a blessing to the Churches we will be visiting. A very special Thank You to our home Church for making this trip possible. We love our Church and we love our Pastor, Tyler Gillit.
Yours fellow servants in Brazil,
Harold, Lílian, Raphael and Danielle