Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes – October 2023 Newsletter
Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

September was an exciting and very busy month at the Bethesda Children’s Home. The highlight of the month was the 54th anniversary celebration of the Home. More than thirty people were saved. Praise the Lord! We enjoyed wonderful preaching, a great meal, and lots of cake, to the delight of the children.
It was so exciting to show the alumni of Bethesda the improvements that have been made at the Home. They were especially thrilled about the renovations in the bathrooms. There are still eight rooms that have details to be finished before we can use them. We have been waiting for such things as aluminum doors and windows, promised to us more than six weeks ago, which have not been delivered yet. Please help us pray they will come soon. Please pray also for the finances to finish these projects. Thank you.
What a joy it is to help children, who should be finishing elementary school, learn to read and write. Three hours a day I am teaching eight children, who did not know how to hold a pencil or to say the alphabet a month ago, to read and write. There are at least thirty others we are working with on an individual basis to improve their reading skills.
Best of all, these children are being saturated with the Word of God. They receive at least three devotionals daily, a daily chapel service, Scripture memorization, three church services a week, and afternoon Bible lessons. There have been many decisions for Christ among the new children. I have had the joy of leading two of “my eight” to the Lord. I am also discipling thirty-five girls at the girls’ home who are sure of their salvation. Brother José Castellanos, a preacher on staff is discipling the boys.
“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.” II Thessalonians 3:1. God has used the Bethesda Children’s Home the past 54 years to spread the Gospel. May it continue to do so until He returns. I covet your prayers.
In Christ’s love,
Becky Patterson
Psalm 46:10,11