Manuel and Reina Diaz : October 2023 Prayer Letter
Manuel and Reina Diaz – Church Planter in Equatorial Guinea, Africa

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13
We thank God for allowing us in His grace and mercy to continue forward. God has been faithful by providing for each necessity that His work needs according to His promises, he gives strength in weakness, health in sickness, protection in dangers, wisdom amidst doubt, patience against adversity, without Him nothing would be possible.
Thankful for His love and care, we continue forwards with the church ministries, youth meetings, soul winning meetings, Sunday school, regular and prayer services, Bible studies and Christian education classes to our children in the school.
This month we started our new school year 2023/2024 at Mount Abarim Educational Center. Please pray that everything goes well until the end. The family economy continues to decrease, and the need of the people increases, it is really complicated for most of them to obtain the necessary to meet their basic needs. Please pray for the children of the school, the youth, and the church families, for the spiritual need of the people in this place. Without doubt we are living in difficult times and only the grace of our God in the hearts of the Christians, who have understood there is no other way for a person to be saved, motivates them to sacrifice for the work of God.
But it seems as if the heart of the people has hardened and just a few accept the truth, their understanding is being blinded by customs, traditions, human philosophies, and false doctrinal teachings by all possible means. The activity we focus more on is the soul winning, the brethren are very involved, looking for fruit of lips that confess our Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
We ask for your prayer so that our God continues giving us strength to continue forward, that He keeps us from the common diseases in this place, as well as in the dangers of violence and theft in houses.
We praise our God who has been good by allowing my wife and my daughters Erika and Eunice to celebrate another year of life. We are also thankful with our God because this month, we celebrated 20 years as missionaries in Africa, His care and faithfulness have been present all this time. All glory be to Him.
We are processing the authorization of the church, it is as if we were starting over because they are requesting many documents, we ask for your prayers so that the years we have been in the country are considered for it to be granted to us.
Thank you for loving the missionary work, for all your prayers and financial support, for your faithfulness despite all the problems and needs you face. We greatly value your effort and sacrifice to share
the Gospel of salvation. Let us continue faithful, God does not forget the sacrifice of love you show towards His work. Christ is coming! God bless you.
Greetings and until next time.