Tom and Linda Gilmer : November 2023 Prayer Letter

Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Linda Gilmer – Church Planter, Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil

November 2023
Dear Friends of Zion:
With best wishes for a blessed THANKSGIVING, we thank you who pray and give for our ministries.

I thank the LORD and proudly call my wife, Linda Jean (McCoy) Gilmer, “Beautiful Gift from God” and “blessed” in the fullest sense of Proverbs 31:10-31, in honor of her 80th birthday on October 22. Without her, our ministry–61 years and counting–would not be possible. I also call her my “Jeanie” or “Honey.”

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow! May He richly bless!

Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer


  1. Professions of faith: 17.
  2. Victories for various students, pastors, and missionaries that I mentor
  3. See Harold Ralph’s prayer letter report on the Biblen Reprinting Fund; watch his video, and show it in your church.


  1. Salvation decisions: Jews and Gentiles.
  2. Electronic media, preparation and publication of Bibles and study helps.
  3. Return of our favorite Bible app (SBTB) to Android Play Store and upgrade of (SBTB) app in App Store.
  4. Peace of Israel with full elimination of HAMAS.

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