Tom and Linda Gilmer : November 2023 Prayer Letter
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Linda Gilmer – Church Planter, Bible Translation in São Paulo, Brazil

November 2023
Dear Friends of Zion:
With best wishes for a blessed THANKSGIVING, we thank you who pray and give for our ministries.
I thank the LORD and proudly call my wife, Linda Jean (McCoy) Gilmer, “Beautiful Gift from God” and “blessed” in the fullest sense of Proverbs 31:10-31, in honor of her 80th birthday on October 22. Without her, our ministry–61 years and counting–would not be possible. I also call her my “Jeanie” or “Honey.”
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow! May He richly bless!
Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer
- Professions of faith: 17.
- Victories for various students, pastors, and missionaries that I mentor
- See Harold Ralph’s prayer letter report on the Biblen Reprinting Fund; watch his video, and show it in your church.
- Salvation decisions: Jews and Gentiles.
- Electronic media, preparation and publication of Bibles and study helps.
- Return of our favorite Bible app (SBTB) to Android Play Store and upgrade of (SBTB) app in App Store.
- Peace of Israel with full elimination of HAMAS.