Becky Patterson and the Bethesda Homes – 2023 Annual Report (January 2024)

Mrs. Becky Patterson – Missionary to Mexico
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico

The Apostle Paul told Timothy, “…continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; and from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:14,15. Young Timothy Word in his tender heart brought forth abundant spiritual fruit for the rest of his life. He was perhaps the best disciple the Apostle Paul had.

That is our goal for each child who comes under our care at the Bethesda Children’s Home in Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero, Mexico. The Children come to us from homes where there is more of a Satanic emphasis rather than Godly one, but in the Bethesda Homes, they are saturated daily with God’s Word. Before each meal having the truths of the Word of God emphasized in each subject, the school day concludes with a chapel service. There is an afternoon Bible class at 5:00pm and a joint devotional time at each home at 7:00 pm. Then they attend church services three times a week and have soul winning and Bible club on Saturdays. God has promised His Word will not return void. That gives us much hope.

During 2023, we saw most of the children make professions of faith. More than twenty were baptized. Thousands of tracts were distributed by the children in Tlapa. Parents were saved during the school enrollment time, at the June graduation ceremony, at the service for 54th Anniversary of the children’s homes, and at the Christmas party in December. Many parents are also saved as they come to visit their children during the year.

In October, we hosted our first ever girl’s conference. The girls loved it, and at least twenty of them make professions of faith. At the end of October, we had a “Noche Tecolota” (Owl Night), instead of allowing the children to go home and celebrate the very pagan Day of the Dead. The children were divided into the twelve “tribes of Israel.” Each group competed against each other in sports, Bible memory, preaching, music, and missionary stories. It was a lot of fun!

On the practical side, this year has seen a incredible number of improvements taking place at the homes. These were all things desperately needing to be done for the wellbeing and future of the Homes. My son, Bill and I have come up with a list of fifty different projects. Some of these have been completed, and some have yet to begin. We need approximately $75,000 to finish these projects. Please help us pray this need can be met very soon.

God is so good to allow me the privilege of ministering at the Bethesda Children’s Home. Occasionally my Mike and I would discuss what I needed to do if he passed away first. He told me he could see me working at the children’s home. After being married almost fifty-two years, he knew me well. He knew how much I loved spending time the children and teaching them. Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support. The joy of the Lord is my strength!

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