Josiah and Mary Kennedy: 2023 Annual Report (January 2024)
Josiah and Mary Kenney – Missionary and Church Planter in Ghana

We bring you all greetings for Accra, Ghana and from our family. We are glad for the sustained blessings we have continued to enjoy from our Lord, God. By the grace of God our children are blessing to us, and all of them helping in our church. We praise Lord for their spiritual growth. It is the joy of every Christian parent to see their children maturing in the Lord.
2023 was a challenging year for our church. My assistant resigned, affecting our church greatly. some of the members also left our church following the resignation of the assistant Pastor. Praise the Lord that in our difficulties and challenges. He teaches us how to depend on Him even more and the joy in those trying times are the lessons He teaches us.
Thankfully, the Lord has blessed our church with seven new baptized members of our church since and we have seen many saved through our soul winning and track distribution. We have four discipleship trainers who have also taken on other trainees for the first four months of 2024. Our people are really maturing in Christ. Please pray for their commitment to this program of our church. Last December alone, we had about twelve new visitors at our church. Two of them, after hearing the Gospel, received Christ as Savior.
Periodically, I have had the privilege to preach at three different schools, with more than 800 students in total hearing the Gospel. Twenty of them received Christ. Again, I was also given opportunity to preach for three days at the Bible Youth Camp which had about 100 children.
Mary and I would like to express our sincere appreciation and thanks for all your prayers and financial support for us. Words are not enough to express how grateful we are for all that you do for us. May God richly bless you all.
A few prayer requests:
- Our full support level to be met
- Continued spiritual growth for our church members
- Urgent: $15,000 for our son to undergo a scoliosis surgery in March 2024.
- $10,000 to complete our home by august, 85% is complete, and is very near our ministry.
- Plans to start Christian Primary School