Rom and Rachael Ribeiro: 2023 Annual Report (January 2024)
Rom and Rachel Ribeiro – Church Planter in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Dear Pastor and Brethren,
“…old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Co. 5:17)

The Lord willing, we are planning on taking a short furlough from April through September. The Lord has already provided a mission house where we will stay in Greenville, SC, during this period. Please let us know if we can visit you. We want to share a message of hope and gratitude. Our two-month-old seventh church is receiving visitors at almost every service and offering discipleship classes during the week.
Our co-laborer Carl Johnson established a Bible Institute for the deaf. Please take a look at our deaf page on YouTube:

We have two main challenges before us: to raise funds for the construction of the sanctuary of church number six in Goiania (Jardim Cerrado), and to grow our brand-new church number seven. Both of these churches are currently meeting in rented buildings. Your love offering will be used towards these endeavors.

The Lord surprised us with more than 400 people for our Christmas Cantata ( The Greatest Gift by Ron Hamilton) at the fifth church in Ribeirao Preto. Our building was overflowing! Though chairs were added between the pews, people even standing outside at the doors and windows to watch the play. Several people made a profession of faith. We plan to follow up on these decisions. Praise the Lord!
Thank you so much for trusting us with the Lord’s money.
In His Perfect Love,
Rom & Rachel Ribeiro