Bethesda Children’s Homes: June 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:

This proud grandmother grew up in the homes.
As I write, Becky and our son Bill are leading a group from Worth Baptist Church to Tlapa. One of the ladies, and expert puppeteer and puppet maker will teach the children how to make puppets and use them in presenting the Gospel. The group will also distribute thousands of tracts and be involved in a great evangelistic effort.
I was able to spend a few days in Cuernavaca ministering in the church we started there. The altitude is difficult for me but I was able to preach three of the four times I was scheduled. Atrial fibrillation kept me from the other one. Souls were saved and the fellowship with our people was precious.
Becky stayed an additional two weeks preparing many of our things and shipping them to our little Tlapa apartment. It has been a bitter sweet time as we go through 40 years of our lives. After 45 years of having Becky as my sweetheart, it has been a difficult separation for both of us. It is my prayer that this will never again be necessary.
We plan to be in Tlapa as soon as rehab is complete and it is going well. My strength is already to levels of 4-5 years ago. God has been so gracious.

Christian school in progress.
The rebuilding of the church in Tepeyac is underway. The land has been purchased and prepared and $7,000 has been deposited for materials. Even with the men doing all of the labor it will be difficult to stay within budget.
The children just completed their annual “Bible Marathon.” Many quoted the book of Philippians without missing a word. Sword drills and in-depth questions from every book of the Bible were fielded. These kids know the Word of God. Thank you for helping make this possible.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
Childrens Home

Teaching the Word to hungry hearts.
P.S. The homes have lost about $1000 per month in support. Pray…