Mike Patterson: February 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
We have just entered our 40th year as missionaries. My only regret about obeying our Lord’s call is that I could only give my life once. Through the marvelous grace of our Lord, over 4000 have given their lives for full time service in our conferences. Today, more than 125 families have been sent all over the world from the mother church in Cuernavaca. Why God would choose to bless the feeble efforts of a grossly underqualified missionary is a mystery. May He be praised!
Our 48th annual Conference on world evangelism was a marvelous Spirit anointed week. By a unanimous vote of the Executive and Advisory Committees, Bill has now become the new President and Steve is the General Director. They have asked me to serve as President Emeritus and International Representative.
I receive daily reports and phone calls from all over the world. It is difficult to grasp all that the Lord has done with MABMI. Today much of my work is in consultation… just country advice hoping my mistakes will not be repeated. I do so enjoy this phase of our ministry. When I finish this letter I will be calling a precious missionary who left a message seeking counsel on church planting.
My health has improved and following Allison’s wedding we will be flying back to Mexico. Pray for our health and safety. There have been threats of kidnapping already.
In His love,
Mike Patterson
P.S. Rather than mentioning our needs I want to tell you about Lourdes. We were in a motel on a snowy day and she cleaned our room. She is from Tamaulipas so we shared the sweet story of redemption in Spanish. She wept her way to Jesus. Today a young Mexican missionary going to Israel called weeping to thank me for changing their family’s life history when I led his grandparents to the Lord. He will marry in April and we had the joy of winning her family to Christ as well. These are the important things.

These people are our passion