Mike Patterson: December 2014 Prayer Letter
Dear Ones:
Becky and I wish you a very merry Christmas.
As we enter our 41st year of missionary service we are so thankful for the opportunity He has given us to serve. We could not have had a ministry without folks like you. You are in our prayers and on our hearts in this joyous season.

Mike and Becky with her scooter while being released from the hospital.
Heart Attack November 28
Last Friday I had a fourth heart attack. I was taken by ambulance quickly and the atrial-fibrillation that triggered the attack was addressed quickly and brought under control while I was in the E.R. I spent four days in the hospital and was sent home with med changes. Next week I will be evaluated for any further treatment… stent or whatever. I am weakened but glad to have the opportunity to continue in His service. I also had the joy of leading one of my nurses to Christ. The joy of this even while suffering is unspeakable!
Becky’s Foot Surgery–Complications
Becky had a metal plate and five screws installed in her right foot in early November. It was to correct a ten year old injury that kept her in agonizing pain. The broken bones did not mend properly following the surgery and the metal plate had slipped. She cannot walk or even use crutches but uses a scooter to get around. I have been caring for her the best I can. If the bones do not knit she will face a second surgery. She is already in her third cast.

Fireside prayer meeting for us in Tlapa
Mexico needs our prayer.
Rioting over the 43 college students that were killed in a nearby town has reached Tlapa. Most of the stores are closed. The available provisions have skyrocketed. Road closings are the norm. Much of Mexico is ripe for revolution…At the same time many are coming to Christ through these trials. Pray for our children and workers.
In His love,
Mike Patterson

Still preaching the simple Gospel.
P.S. Our hearts are in Mexico and as soon as our January conference is over and my doctors give permission we will be with them. The sufferings of our people make our light afflictions easy to endure. We are ending the year facing great personal needs in several areas and I thank you in advance for your prayers. God is our supply and He has never failed. Merry Christmas! We love you.