Mike Patterson October2017 Prayer Letter

Cutting the ribbon.
We were in Mexico for most of September for the annual reunion of the alumni and the 48th Anniversary of the Bethesda Homes. We were also in Mexico for both earthquakes and at least a corner of two hurricanes. We had the joy of dedicating the new Christian School Building as well as the new director’s apartment at the Boy’s home. Our pastor, Rev. Tyler Gillit, joined us for the festive week in Tlapa and managed to board a flight that left just an hour before the massive earthquake hit; killing nearly four hundred and destroying many buildings. We are thankful for God’s protective hand on us.
We were in our vehicle in Tlapa when the second devastating earthquake hit. It was a wild ride, not unlike a bucking horse, while the earthquake lasted for several very long minutes. We were spared all but minor damages to the homes while many died in an avalanche of rubble. Pray for Mexico. The damages are staggering and many are mourning the loss of loved ones. A pastor friend lost his home and the church building. Our Mt. Abarim Baptist Church is helping them rebuild and reported 108 saved in special meetings.
48th Anniversary and Alumni Reunion

Part of a 130-voice choir from homes!
The anniversary and reunion meetings were blessed with many being saved and others surrendering for full-time service. Over 600 gathered under the big tent for a day of preaching, singing, and fellowship. Our son, Bill, served as both speaker and translator for Pastor Gillit. Two of our graduates gave Spirit-anointed messages, and the Lord chose to breathe on the meeting.
In His love,
Mike Patterson

A few of this year’s alumni.
P.S. This year, we had about 30 alumni pastors and missionaries. You can see some with me in my Tlapa office. Graduates and ex-workers now serve all over Mexico as well as Bolivia, Brazil, Turkey, Spain and Israel. It’s amazing to see what God is doing!