Tom and Linda Gilmer

May 2018 Prayer Letter

Tom Gilmer: May 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends of Zion:

Linda and I are grateful for your faithful prayers and offerings for us, our family and our ministries.

JEWISH MINISTRY: A Wednesday morning breakfast for business people is now a reality in Bom Retiro, the old Jewish section of São Paulo. It is led by a businessman whom I won to the LORD many years ago, who grew up in that area. Our missionary, Pastor Alexandre, is normally there, as well.

BAPTISMS: A Jewish man and five others were baptized at our first church, Templo Batista de Indianópolis (TBI), on Easter Sunday. One of those was a lady who came to church as a bus kid. After years with no contact, she came back as an adult, bringing her husband and daughter with her. Her husband also was baptized. Seed sown in the heart of a little child brought forth good fruit as an adult!

SEMINARY: A missionary, who worked in another city here in Brazil, saw a need for seminary level courses to help Brazilian pastors obtain a Master of Ministry Degree. He offered modular courses with professors from the USA. Now treating cancer in the States, he is looking for the right church in the right place to continue the program and carry on his dream. An experiment was conducted last month, offering two modular courses at TBI. Forty-five people attended, most from São Paulo and some from the interior. Two more modules will be offered in October. Pastor Marcos da Silva, pastor of TBI, is sounding out the possibility for TBI to carry forward this program.

ANOTHER NEW CHURCH ON THE HORIZON: The pastor of our Aracati church wants to start another church in his general area. I have talked with him about following the example of our church in Cajuru; i.e., start a fund, invite other churches in his area to join in, and collectively start a new congregation with each church contributing what it can to the project. I would like to give his church $1,000 to start the fund.

May God bless!

Yours for the Messiah,
Tom and Linda Gilmer


  1. Professions of faith: 4.
  2. Guacuri congregation lacks only $1,700 for new chairs and improvements.
  3. The $300 needed monthly for the São Miguel congregation is coming in.
  4. Great progress has been made on the history of the Portuguese Bible.
  5. Progress with health of grandchildren.


  1. Salvation of Jews and Gentiles.
  2. Ongoing projects (Bible study helps, media outlets, and warehouse for Bibles).
  3. Editorial work on history of Portuguese Bible.
  4. Wisdom concerning seminary and Bible courses at our first church TBI.
  5. Healing for grandchildren.

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