Mike and Becky Patterson and The Bethesda Homes – April 2020 Prayer Letter
Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson – MABMI President Emeritus and International Representative
Bethesda Children’s Homes – Tlapa, Mexico
Dear Ones:

The Children are out for Spring Break as I write. It has been extended at least until the end of the month by the government. COVID 19 is spreading across Mexico. We feel the children will be safe in the homes upon their return. We were able to tap emergency funds to purchase three months of food. Even if trackers cannot reach Tlapa, the children will be well fed.
Yolanda, the director’s wife, requested prayer for 3 family members now infected. In Mexico city and Cuernavaca, the problem is severe. Please pray for the children, our staff and all of the curches.

Our tickets to Mexico in March had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. (The borders are closed to all but “essential” traffic.) Some in our Cuernavaca church have been infected. So many members are doctors and murses and all are at high risk.
On Easter Sunday I probably preached to the largest crowd in my ministry. The message to Shalom Baptist Church of Queens, NY (in the center of the crisis) was broadcast by internet from my office in Texas. People logged on from all over the world. This is a positive side of this pandemic none of us expected. In the Gibson’s NYC Church, a Jewish man they’ve prayed for fifteen years was saved. Another family surrendered to be missionaries. Praise God!
In His Love,
Mike and Becky Patterson

P.S. We began March with seven unsupported children, Several others had to drop support due to their own financial crises. It’s understandable but this makes every gift precious. We are all in this together and God has already promised to meet every need.